Monday, December 28, 2020

Happy Holidays 2020


Happy Holidays!

Happy New Year!

Shall we cancel 2020?  It is time to turn the page on 2020, a year that has been somewhere between a disaster and a disappointment for many of us.

Foremost we are healthy.  While age is taking its toll, we are generally healthy and are staying active. We have been tested a few times for COVID and are happily negative.    Both Vina and Gary manage to play golf weekly and have a few other properly socially distanced activities.  There is not much we can do in this environment.

Both of us have managed to learn how to use Zoom and have been “attending” all kinds of lectures, classes, and even social gatherings virtually.  We REALLY do miss seeing friends “in-person” but are very grateful for having the technology as a second-best option.  We would love to Zoom with you!

Our annual international trip for 2020 got cancelled.  We had a bit of an adventure getting our money back but were eventually able to do so.  We are not planning any trips in 2021 but hoping to resume international travel in 2022.  Also, this year we did not spend the summer months at our place in San Diego.  We greatly missed seeing our San Diego friends.  We spent the entire summer here in Tempe – where we had the hottest summer on record.  Wouldn’t you know…

We did venture out to San Diego (we got tested before we left and after we came back) for the Thanksgiving holiday where we were able to share Thanksgiving dinner in person with Mike and virtually with Bob, Melissa and Maya.  Mike got tested before coming over but Bob and Melissa were not able to.  Our condo had done well during our 11 months of absence.  These pictures were taken when Bob came to pick up his part of the Thanksgiving meal.  Bob is on the left and Mike is on the right.


In September Gary and Vina celebrated 50 years of marriage.  We had hoped to have a celebration with friends and family but then COVID struck.  So we enjoyed a nice socially distanced dinner outdoors at a local restaurant.  Maybe in 2022 we can have a celebration with friends and family.

As we close out 2020, we want to remember those whom we have lost this year.  Let us hope that 2021 will be better year for all of us and for the world. 

Gary and Vina