Tuesday, December 28, 2021

2020 and 2021 in Photos

Since I failed to post in 2020, I am including in this post a listing of photo albums for both years.  

I have separated out the hiking photos from the other activities.  

Click on the link and you will be directed to another window to view the photos.


For 2020

New Years 2020

February 11 Emeritus Short Talks

"Pink" Moon Over Tempe

Spring 2020 in Tempe

May 1 Military Fly Over Tempe honoring First Responders and Hospital Workers

50th Anniversary Dinner at House of Tricks

Thanksgiving 2020

For 2021

Hiking Photos

4/2/2021 - Highland Valley Trail Hike

May 21, 2021 - Walk around Miramar Lake

5-28-2021 Lake Hodges Bridge Hike

6-4-2021 Bernardo Bay Trail to waterfall 

6-11-2021 Oakoasis Hike

6-16-21 Silver Strand Hike

6-18-21 Batiquitos Lagoon hike

6-25-2021 Hike around Sail Bay

7-7-2021 Tourmaline Beach to Pacific Beach and back hike

7-21-2021 Hiking Cabrillo National Monument

7-30-2021 Mission Beach Hike

8-4-2021 Hiking the Silver Strand South

8-11-2021 Walk Around Coronado Island

8-13-2021 Exploring Dog Beach and Ocean Beach Pier

8-18-2021  - Walking Mission Beach and Pacific Beach

8-25-2021 Hiking around Harbor Island and Shelter Island

8-27-2021 Mission Beach Jetty to Pacific Beach Crystal Pier and Back Redux

9-1-2021 Coronado Beach Hike

9-3-2021 Hike around Sail Bay Redux

12-17-2021 Hiking Coronado - Peohe's to Del and back

Happy Holidays 2021

Another year – in some ways the same old but in many other ways largely different because of the pandemic.  Same old was only if it was outside – golf anyone? Or on Zoom.  Not going out but ordering dinner for pick-up to take home.

In January after a pandemic caused break, Vina started doing Call for Action (consumer mediation) again from home with Gary’s help with the technology.

Then came the inoculations for COVID 19.  We were finally able to interact with PEOPLE in person (who were also vaccinated) almost normally. We got used to always carrying a mask in our pocket or purse.

No international travel in 2020 or 2021.  After staying in Tempe for the summer in 2020, we did go to San Diego during this summer.  While there we started looking at houses.  Yes, we have finally decided to move to San Diego full time. We are still looking for a house.  The condo is too small for full time living.  Our plan is to move there sometime this coming spring.

The summer in San Diego proved to be very active.  We spent a day with son Mike and his “god daughter” Addison at Sea World.  Great experience for both adults and Addison.  

We enjoyed a birthday lunch with good friend Bob Serrano in Palm Springs. 



We took a short vacation to visit Vina’s sister Elsie and family (Eddie, Michele, and Mason) in Carpinteria near Santa Barbara. 


While we were in Carpinteria we the got news of son Bob having an emergency appendectomy which later developed an abscess and a week’s stay in the hospital for him.  He is now fully recovered and doing well.      


Later we enjoyed a visit from sister Cricket and Marty from Arizona.   They stayed in our “west wing.”
😊 We were able to show them some of our favorite places in San Diego.



All of this in addition to our usual activities (hiking, golf, etc.) in San Diego.


Since we have been back in Arizona, we have been on the fast track including the Broadway series at ASU Gammage, ASU Football, National Geographic Live series at the Mesa Arts Center, the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit in Scottsdale and the ASU East/Polytechnic Campus 25th Anniversary where Gary was a member of the founding group. 





Now onward towards San Diego sometime in 2022.

Wishing you a healthy and productive 2022!

Gary and Vina