Thursday, December 12, 2013

2013 - The Year in Review

2013 has been a good year.  We continue in good health and we have been able to stay active, travel and enjoy family and friends. 

We enjoy getting together with friends and family through golf, hikes, and meetings of New Frontiers, ASU Retirees Association, the Emeritus College and the Rancho Bernardo Social Club and just to share a meal and enjoy each other’s company.

Our children are well.  Bob continues his computer programming and took a job with a
Bob, Natalie, Mike, Vina, Gary
new company in the fall, Natalie received a nice promotion in HR at the Cognitive Science Department at the main UCSD Campus and Mike has built his DJ business into quite a going enterprise and he continues to do video editing.  

Our extended family is also doing well.  The new liver Cricket, one of
Back: Mike, Bob, Marty Jr., Marty Sr., Elsie, Eddie.  Front: Natalie, Vina, Mason, Cricket
Vina’s sisters, received (Travis it is called) grumbles on occasion but is still fulfilling its duty. 

Our home, like us, requires upgrades and maintenance but still give us pleasure and shelter.  The big palo verde tree in our front yard in Tempe decided it did not like LOTS of rain and wind so it keeled over just before Thanksgiving – luckily away from the house.  We miss it and hope to replace it soon.

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays we reflect upon our many gifts: love, hope and above all, family.  From our family to yours, we hope you find joy this holiday season, are well and we wish you the best in the New Year.

Our love,
  Gary & Vina

Here is the year - month by month

Click on any of the links to see more pictures.

Bob, Nathaniel, Natalie, Heidi
Bob, Mike, Gary, Vina, Natalie
We spent Christmas 2012 in San Diego where Natalie's parents, Heidi and Nathaniel were also visiting.  We enjoyed Christmas Eve tamales with everyone which was very nice.  

Also during the holidays, we were able to get together with longtime friends from Vina's San Diego single days - Buzzy and Susan and Carole.  

January was highlighted with a lunch get together with friends from Gary's college days -- Bill and Susie Wright and Bob Serrano in Palm Springs.  Later in the month we attended a live radio broadcast of the Prairie Home Companion from Gammage Auditorium in Tempe. It was great fun to see what we had listened to for so many years.  

Apartment mates - Nan, Carole, Vina
In April, we once again got together with friends -- Buzzy and Susan, Nan and Joe, Carole, and Gary and Vina - in San Diego.  Carole and Nan were Vina's roommates and Buzzy was as good as a roommate back then.  Nan and Joe were visiting from back East, so we knew we had to go to San Diego to see them.  Vina had not seen Joe and Nan for 43 years!

Also in April, the Ajo High School Class of 1960 held its annual reunion.  A good time was had by all.
Ajo HS Class of 1960 and spouses
At the end of April and first part of May we had a wonderful experience discovering southern France and Paris.  It was a great trip. For a blog about our trip with day by day pictures click here. 

We spent much of the summer in San Diego playing golf, hiking, seeing our family and exploring the area.  We enjoyed many hikes along the beaches.

In June someone decided that they wanted to try to steal Gary's Honda and they ripped open the convertible top.  Fortunately they were not successful.  This is why we have car insurance.

We celebrated Gary's birthday at the Blind Burro in San Diego where Mike was the DJ.

We took a trip up to LA to visit the Getty Museum which we enjoyed very much.  We took another trip up to LA to visit the Space Shuttle Endeavor exhibit.  Amazing technology!  

In July, good friends Dave and Karen Schwalm came for a visit and we were able to show them around a bit of San Diego.

In September we went to the San Diego Symphony Pops Concert where they played Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture complete with cannon firings.  It was a wonderful evening.  
Elsie, Vina, Mason, Eddie

In October we were able to join Eddie and Elsie and Mason for lunch in Buena Park while Gary was attending his high school 50th reunion.

Sierra High School  Class of 1963
November brought a wonderful Thanksgiving and a chance to share our blessings with extended family in Tempe.  

December began with a trip to see the Dale Chihuly exhibition of glass sculptures at the Desert Botanical Garden with Dave and Karen.  A chilly night but wonderful exhibit with good friends.

As we head into the holidays, we are looking forward to seeing and hearing from friends in Arizona and California and across this world.  It is a time for reflection and giving thanks for the many blessings we have received.

We are looking forward to 2014 with enthusiasm and confidence in the future.  We hope that our paths might cross with yours in the coming year.

Sunset at Torrey Pines
For a review of the year in pictures click here

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