Monday, December 9, 2019

Happy Holidays 2019

Happy Holidays 2019

The end of one decade and the beginning of a new one!  We are doing well and are feeling healthy.  We remain quite active and come together at the end of the day to share our separate activities.  We spend most of the year in Tempe were we play golf, attend various classes and lectures at ASU and New Frontiers (Mesa Community College), enjoy dining with friends, attend Broadway plays at Gammage, enjoy classical concerts at the Phoenix Symphony and ASU football games. Vina has her Mah Jongg and Spanish groups.  Gary volunteers with the ASU Emeritus College and currently serves as the Director of the Academy for Continued Learning for the College.  We continue to spend our summers in San Diego golfing, hiking on the beach, playing Mah Jongg, participating in our various discussion groups, enjoying dining out with friends and on occasion seeing our two boys. 

Bob  and  Mike  are well and keeping busy.  Bob’s divorce has been finalized.  He and Melissa and daughter Maya are making a new life together.  Mike is without a housemate and has found out that living by himself is OK.  Bob continues as a computer programmer and Mike is quite active in his disk jockey business.  We are very proud of them.

This year our big trip was on the Backroads of Iberia – a trip through Portugal and Spain staying in Portuguese pousadas and Spanish paradores.  Still working on getting the pictures organized but if you would like to see them, click here or scroll down or click the link to the left. 

We are looking forward to the next decade and hope to remain as active as we can.  We hope that you are well and would love to hear from you and see you if you are anywhere near Tempe or San Diego.

Wishing you a healthy and happy 2020!

Gary and Vina

1 comment:

  1. You two look fantastic! Life sounds good for you. We continue to enjoy living in Myrtle Beach, closer to family. We have so many new friends. Get in touch if you are every coming this way!
