Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Happy Holidays 2018

Happy Holidays 2018

I guess as you get older, time just seems to go faster! Or at least it seems that way to us.  Here I am in early December feeling almost ready for Halloween! J  Holiday cards and emails are starting to arrive.  Thank you.  We always look forward to hearing from you. 

We are thankful for our continued good health and hope to continue our active lifestyle for just as long as we can.  But we must admit that the body doesn’t respond as quickly as it once did.
Mike, Vina, Gary, Bob, Melissa, Maya

Bob and Mike are doing well in San Diego.  Bob continues as a computer engineer and Mike is enjoying being an in-demand DJ and doing some video editing.  Pictured is the family gathered for Gary’s 73rd birthday.

We remain active both in San Diego and in Tempe.  Vina enjoys her Spanish groups in both places, playing Ma Jong and hiking the beaches in the summer and the Arizona desert in the winter.  One big change for Vina is that Call 12 for Action has been dropped by the TV station and beginning in January will be run by the newspaper – The Arizona Republic.  Vina has been volunteering with Call 12 since 2001.

Gary remains active in the ASU Emeritus College, New Frontiers and the ASU Retirees Association.  Both of us are still trying to learn golf, attend events, lectures and classes at both ASU and Mesa Community College and otherwise be physically and intellectually active. 

Our international trip in 2018 was to Patagonia in the far southern parts of Chile and Argentina.  Put most simply it was a true adventure.  We made it all the way down to the Straits of Magellan. 

We wish you a prosperous and healthy 2019.

Gary and Vina

P.S.  Gary got a new camera this year and is still learning how to use it.  As a result he took a lot of pictures.  If you are interested in seeing some or all of them, click here or go to and click on the link for 2018 Pictures. 

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